After spending a bit of time perusing through the many scripts I decided to throw something together based on 'WiiMouse 0.1' by
First the 'easy stuff' -- mapping the keyboard arrow keys with the cross-pad on the Wiimote like this:
Up = Wiimote.Up
Down = Wiimote.Down
Left = Wiimote.Left
Right = Wiimote.Right
Then we map the mouse buttons:
Mouse.LeftButton = Wiimote.B
Mouse.RightButton = Wiimote.A
I decided to map the '+' and '-' buttons on the Wiimote to the Mouse Wheel, and the 'Home' key to Escape:
Mouse.WheelUp = Wiimote.Plus
Mouse.WheelDown = Wiimote.Minus
Key.Escape = Wiimote.Home
End of Part II